Here, these are some favorites of mine from recent days.
I have to remember to clear the memory on my Nikon every now and then…

My photo library is a mess. Somebody save me!

Shades of blue and a rock.

Spell it out in the sand

Cerveza sans lime and cigarette burned bebes

Gold leaves from my Aunty Jette. She has always been the giver of my favorite gifts.

BEAT (the cancer.)

Morning mist over lush green mountains

One reason for loving the rain

It’s like I’m fish food.

Next comment directed to our male readers:

Gentlemen, this is never ok. Even if it is Halloween, even if you think you look good, even if your dumbass girl lets you walk out of the house in her panties. Under no circumstance should men ever be seen in public like this. I love my dudesĀ believe that, but I don’t want NO booty unless I ask for it!

California, 3,000 miles that way.

This is Iyeoka. Poet andĀ TED fellowette.

She just released a new album SAY YES. Click the photo and jump to her site!

View her latest music video below.

YouTube Preview Image

A magnificent woman singing powerful thoughts of positivity. Worth listening.

Sunset and organic red velvet cupcakes.

Heaven. In my mouth.

Fort Union.

I would hate to be that bartender.

(Nobody drinking) at the Blue Scholars show.


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